Primrose Hill Adult & Teen Challenge
Ministry providing drug and alcohol rehabilitation through a gospel lense for women and their children. Primrose Hill is helping to change the face of the substance abuse epidemic facing our nation, and all with the love and truth of Jesus! We partner with Primrose Hill through prayer, resourcing, class/teaching volunteers, event help, and financial support.
Coyote Hill Foster Care Services
“Safe place to be a child”. Coyote Hill’s mission is to help children know they are loved and cared for through a Christ centered approach to supporting foster families. This goes along exactly with our next generation focus as a church. We partner with Coyote Hill through prayer, family services, awareness, resources, and financial support.

Safe Families

Love Columbia
My Life Clinic | Life Network of Central Missouri
My Life Clinic offers professional, confidential pregnancy medical services at no cost. They provide services without age, marital status, race, religion, residency, or income restrictions. We partner with them and expecting mothers to help prepare them for their upcoming pregnancies; creating support and resources for them to use along the way.