Hello C2 Kids’ Families,
Yay! It is May! Let the celebration of mothers begin. Paint tiny handprints on everything and anoint every mom with slobbery toddler kisses. It really is a special day to acknowledge the woman in our life who gives and gives and really only wants to see us happy. Thank you C2 Kids’ moms for raising your little ones in church and teaching them about Jesus. Proverbs 31:25 says, “She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” I know you don’t always feel like you are the picture of strength and dignity, and many days feel like they are more of a struggle than a victory lap. But to your little ones, you are beauty and strength, and they think there is nothing you can’t do…and we know, “with God, all things are possible.”
May 1st is the last day for KIDS CAMP Registration!!! Please fill out the online form today! Turn your paper form in this Sunday. We have two more fundraisers coming up to help send more kids to camp.

Maggie is our spotlight volunteer. She has served faithfully for the past 5 years at C2, and she has been volunteering for nursery duty for the last 20 years! WOW! While serving in our nursery, she is constantly reminded of the value of teamwork and loves the relationships she has made with the babies, parents and other volunteers. Her favorite Bible Verse is, “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Matthew 6:34. I bet you didn’t know that Maggie has a dog named Ginger that she sometimes creates coordinating outfits for. She is also the most talented sugar cookie designer around! Three cheers for Maggie for being our superstar back in nursery!
C2 Kids Elementary Parents,
We ended last month with the Chi Alpha Worship Experience. So how cool is it that this month we are going to deep dive the topic of worship for our lessons. Remember the verses are listed for the week we learn them so they are recited the following week. You can also find them on our C2 Kids Facebook page.
April 30, 2023 – Chi Alpha Worship Experience.
“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name.” Psalm 103:1
May 7, 2023 — I’ll worship God with all my heart.
“True worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth…” John 4:23
Parent Conversation: What do you think Kids need to know about Worshipping God?
May 14, 2023 — I can worship God all the time.
“I will praise you everyday; yes, I will praise you forever.” Psalm 145:2
Parent Conversation: What is so great about choosing to worship God when you are sad or mad?
May 21, 2023 — God deserves my worship
“You are worthy our Lord and God to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things…” Revelations 4:11
Parent Conversation: If someone asked you what God did to deserve your worship, what would you say?
May 28, 2023 — Lots of things are fun but God is Number one.
“Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.” Luke 4:8
Parent Conversation: How do you think a kid can do things they love and worship God at the same time?
If you would like to follow along with the Bible study we are doing in Surge, join us for the a “Week of Worship” (click here) devotion. It is a 7 day plan on the YouVersion Bible App. These devotions are great ways to help kids establish a daily devotion time. I really encourage parents to walk through this one with your kids.
C2 Kids Preschool Parents,
If you would like to follow along at home with the devotions your preschoolers are doing during Zoom, click this link to join the “Stones, slings and Giant Things” plan on YouVersion. This month, we are learning my heart can match God’s heart when I get to know Him.. This 6 day plan has songs and a memory verse for your preschooler to enjoy as they learn God’s truth.
Our C2 Preschool memory verse for this month is, “…be ready to do what is good.” Titus 3:1
C2 Kids Nursery Parents,
If you would like to join our Nursery ministry team and help hold babies once a month, please talk to Michelle Crutcher, our Nursery Coordinator. There is no greater gift to parents of little ones than to be able to worship knowing their baby is safe and loved.

Our Rec Crew is our new middle school ministry. Our Rec Crew Bible study starts each Sunday at 9:15 a.m. Then, these 5th – 8th grade students, along with their student leaders, dive into God’s Word before service and prepare to serve all over our C2 Kids ministries. Make plans now to have them here by 9:15 a.m. every Sunday.

If you are looking for a fun way to teach your kids Bible verses, Kyle Jorris has a new album out called “Godspeed.” You can listen on any platform you stream music.
Jennifer Daack
Children and Families Pastor