Hello C2 Kids’ Families,
Summer is officially here! It’s time to celebrate our Dads! We are thankful for you Dads, Grandpas, and Great Grandpas who have chosen to lead your families. We pray blessings and wisdom over you. We know the mantle you carry is huge, and we are grateful for you.

The past few months have flown by, and lots of things are going on in Kids’ Ministry. Our Rec Crew is up and running!!! It has been amazing watching our middle schoolers step up into leadership and service. They are now meeting before church to prepare for our services, leading our small group time, and serving in nursery and in preschool. Matt and I are so blessed by each of them. Thank you parents for showing up early. It is so encouraging for us to see so many of them transitioning into youth as a group of friends! We hope to keep building those relationships with special events just for them. Our first one is to Rock Bridge State park for a hike and then lunch. Then back to the church for some planning on June 19th. Please make plans for them to be a part of this.

We are looking forward to our Family Board Game Fun. Don’t forget to register so we can prepare for you and your family and friends. Invite someone to join you June 11th from 3-5 p.m.

Micah Brack is our spotlight volunteer. Micah joined our C2 Kids team this year and has left us wondering what we ever did without him. He has been involved in Kids ministry for about 7 years at previous churches which explains all his wisdom! He runs for the vacuum as soon as church is over and leaves our auditorium spotless!!! His presence brings calm to our squirmy boys so they can focus on learning about Jesus. He says Kids ministry has taught him how to share Christ with people of different ages and to show God’s love, forgiveness and grace and to build relationships with kids. His favorite verse is Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” He also loves EVERY kind of COOKIE! Thank you Micah for loving C2 Kids!!!
C2 Kids Elementary Parents,
Memory verse party is coming up on Sunday, June 25th for all the kids who have memorized 8 verses. There is still time to make up the verses that they have missed. I am happy to FaceTime or meet before or stay after service to listen to memories verses. Remember the verses are listed for the week we learn them, so they are recited the following week. You can also find them on our C2 Kids Facebook page.
June 4, 2023 – I’m on a mission to go fishing — for people!
“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” Matthew 4:19
Parent Conversation: Who is someone you can share your faith with? Take a moment to think and share with your child. Then, pray and ask God to lead you into an opportunity to share with that person.
June 11, 2023 – It’s okay to disagree—just do so respectfully.
“Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Colossians 4:6
Parent Conversation: Talk about building relationships and share a time you disagreed respectfully with a friend and saved the friendship.
June 18, 2023 – I’m well-known because God knows me well.
“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart…” Jeremiah 1:5.
Parent Conversation: Share how you have learned about God with your kids. Is it through experiences? Studying? Church? How can you as a family know God more? Make a plan together for how you can learn more about God.
June 25, 2023 – I can be thankful when things are good—and when they’re not..
“Give thanks no matter what happened. God wants you to thank him because you believe in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18.
Parent Conversation: What is something hard that you went through that you can now see how God used it in your life, and you are now thankful for it?
If you would like to follow along with the Bible study we are doing in C2 Kids, join us for the “Kids Make a Difference” (click here) devotion. It is a 15 day plan on the YouVersion Bible App. These devotions will encourage kids to allow God to make a difference in their life. This is a great way to motivate your kids to do something good during their summer break!
C2 Kids Preschool Parents,
If you would like to follow along at home with the devotions your preschoolers are doing during Zoom, click this link to join the “The Dreamer” plan on YouVersion. Shine and Emily teach our preschoolers that God has good plans for them in this 7 day devotional series. They will learn actions to help memorize their Bible verse and learn new songs so they can worship God.
Our C2 Preschool memory verse for this month is, “…I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD. They are plans for good…” Jeremiah 29:11
C2 Kids Nursery Parents,
If you would like to join our Nursery ministry team and help hold babies once a month, please talk to Michelle Crutcher, our Nursery Coordinator. There is no greater gift to parents of little ones than to be able to worship knowing their baby is safe and loved.

Kids Camp is coming up July 5th – 8th. We will have a short parent meeting on Sunday, June 18th right after church in the C2 Kids auditorium. Come with your questions, and I will do my best to give you answers.
Graduations continue into Kids’ Ministry. Our preschoolers are moving up to elementary on June 4th, and it is also the last day for our 5th graders to be students in Kids’ Ministry. We are excited to celebrate our graduates. Please make sure to have them in church on time so we can recognize them.
Have a great month! We hope to see you around C2 Kids for all kinds of summer fun!
Jennifer Daack
Children and Families Pastor