Hello C2 Kids’ Families,
It is always fun celebrating with our students as they hit huge milestones in their lives. We welcomed 8 preschool graduates into C2 Kids Elementary and promoted 16 students on to youth. We are so proud of what these students have learned and what they will continue to do for our church and for God’s kingdom.

Our Rec Crew kids are so much fun. We had a great outing to Rock Bridge State Park and then a productive day preparing for worship in C2 Kids. These student leaders have really stepped up to lead our small groups and to help care for younger students in every area of children’s ministry. They are learning to see needs and to problem solve ways to meet those needs. It is amazing!

C2 Kids Elementary Parents,
We are leaving for Camp on July 5th. If you follow the C2 Kids Facebook page, I have posted a daily prayer guide to pray over the campers beginning on Tuesday before we leave. We would love for all of you to pray for us while we are away.

July 9, 2023 – Water Day for C2 Kids Elementary Students
“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14
Parent Conversation: When is a time that you stood still and let God fight for you? Have you ever tried to fight alone? What was different about the two situations?
July 16, 2023 – When you have faith in Jesus, share it!
“…it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved.” Romans 10:10
Parent Conversation: Talk about some different things you’d like to do to share your faith in Jesus.
July 23, 2023, Missions Sunday – I have faith when I choose to follow Jesus
“Faith is being sure of what we hope for. It is being certain of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1
Parent Conversation: If someone didn’t know what faith is, what would you tell them?
July 30, 2023 – When I have faith in Jesus, I can give generously
“And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.” Hebrews 13:16
Parent Conversation: Talk about some ways God has been generous to us.
If you would like to follow along with the Bible study we are doing in C2 Kids, join us for the “Faith Facts for Kids” (click here) devotion. It is a 8 day plan on the YouVersion Bible App. This is a great way to motivate your kids to do something good during their summer break!
C2 Kids Preschool Parents,
There are a few exciting changes going on in our preschool area. The walls are being painted and new flooring is going in. So during our beautification phase during the whole month of July, we will have C2 Kids Preschool meeting in the middle school classroom closest to our school bathrooms. Our lessons will be the same as always, just in a different room. If you would like to follow along at home with the devotions your preschoolers are doing during class, click this link to join the “God’s Good News” plan on YouVersion. Shine and Emily teach our preschoolers that God has good plans for them in this 6 day devotional series. They will learn actions to help memorize their Bible verse and learn new songs so they can worship God. We are really going to focus on having our preschoolers learn a Bible verse each month.
Our C2 Preschool memory verse for this month is, “…It is useful for teaching us what is true.” 2 Timothy 3:16
C2 Kids Nursery Parents,
Our nursery is growing by leaps and bounds. If you would like to join our Nursery ministry team and help hold babies once a month, please talk to Michelle Crutcher, our Nursery Coordinator. There is no greater gift to parents of little ones than to be able to worship God knowing their baby is safe and loved. You can sign up to serve once a month and bless so many.

Kids Camp is coming up July 5th – 8th. We will have a short parent meeting on Sunday, June 18th right after church in the C2 Kids auditorium. Come with your questions, and I will do my best to give you answers.
Graduations continue into Kids’ Ministry. Our preschoolers are moving up to elementary on June 4th, and it is also the last day for our 5th graders to be students in Kids’ Ministry. We are excited to celebrate our graduates. Please make sure to have them in church on time so we can recognize them.
Have a great month! We hope to see you around C2 Kids for all kinds of summer fun!
Jennifer Daack
Children and Families Pastor