"Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves." – Matthew 14:19

In a world dominated by scarcity and drowning in lack, we find it difficult to believe that God is limitless. Perhaps more accurately, we find it difficult to act like God is not limited. We are aware of His mighty power, or even convinced of His ability to provide, but, like the twelve disciples (and the twelve, stiff-necked tribes they represent) we are so accustomed to the old life in the old world of “never quite enough,” that we find it easier to think the old survival thoughts and make the same old mistake: we leave the presence of Life Himself to go buy food that won’t satisfy. We’ve seen too much to imagine that God might just give us what we need if we were to ask.

Jesus’ child-like faith is nearly overshadowed by his child-like gratitude for so little. We regularly fail to recognize what we have been given, but Jesus goes so far as to lock eyes with His limitless Father and, without a hint of sarcasm, expresses gratitude for one lunch in a sea of hunger. Oh, that God would free our imaginations to be radically grateful once again! It seems that Chesterton was right–”we have sinned and grown old,” and the Ancient of Days is “younger than we,” (Orthodoxy, 82). One can nearly see the playful gleam in Jesus’ eye as each of His twelve disciples shouldered his own personal basket of leftovers. May we accept our Generous Host’s invitation to sit at His table and have our tired eyes opened as Jesus lifts our gaze up with His to praise and give thanks to the Giver of “every good and perfect gift,” (James 1:17).


  • What “small” thing can you entrust to God for Him to multiply?
  • How does this story encourage you to view challenges differently?
  • When have you witnessed God’s abundance in your life?
  • Art: The Widow’s Mite (Le denier de la veuve) by James Tissot – Online Collection of Brooklyn Museum; Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 2008, 00.159.211_PS2.jpg, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10957531
  • Song: “I’ve Witnessed It” by Passion and Melodie Malone