We exist to build life-giving churches that lead people to find and follow Jesus.


We believe the Bible is God’s message to us. It’s true, practical, and relevant for everyday life. When we read it, we discover who God is, our purpose for life, and how to live that life to the fullest potential.

2 Timothy 3:15-171 Thessalonians 2:13 | 1 Peter 1:21 

We believe in one God who created all things, and exists in, through, above, and outside of them–stuff we see and stuff we don’t. He has chosen to reveal himself in three ways: Father, Jesus (human), & Spirit. He is perfect love, and remains the same in every moment, season, and age.

Deuteronomy 6:4Matthew 28:19 | John 1:1-14

Jesus is God in human form. He was miraculously born to a virgin, he is the only human to live a perfect life, and he physically died on a cross. Raised back to life by the power of God’s Spirit, his death and resurrection reconcile us back to God and enable us to live new lives. He is now with God, forever representing us to the Father.

Matthew 1:18-23Hebrews 7:26 | 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 | Philippians 2:5-11

Just as Jesus represents us to God, he has called us to represent him to others. We are imperfect people forever changed by God’s grace extended to us through Jesus. Our mission is to spread the good news of his grace and teach others to do the same.

Ephesians 2

When we were at our worst, God was, and always is, at his best. The only hope for our broken world, and the individuals that call it home, is to receive the new life that Jesus offers and to surrender our self-centered lifestyles to his sacrificial way. When we do so, we are filled with God’s Spirit and become new from the inside out. Jesus is the way to the life we long for and the truth we seek.

Romans 7

Being immersed in water (baptized) is a symbol of “rebirth” or “new life.” It paints the picture of Jesus’ death and resurrection, connecting our story to his. This is one of the first steps we take when we choose to follow Jesus.

Romans 6:4 | Matthew 28:19

The third expression of God, His Spirit, breathes life into what was once dead. He gives, comforts, protects, and leads us, and is still moving and resurrecting today. He fills believers, empowering us just like he did Jesus and his earliest followers.

Acts 1.8 | Galatians 5.22-23 | 1 Corinthians 12

Jesus will come back to the earth, restoring this broken world, and all will face the consequences of the life they have lived, whether that be eternal life with God or separation from Him.

Matthew 25.31-45 | Romans 2.1-11


The Good News of Jesus and His Kingdom is the center of our identity and message.

Our success is determined by our dependence on God’s Spirit.

We respond with passionate generosity to the lost, suffering, and vulnerable locally and globally

Beyond simply connecting, we’re aware of and invite all people into communion with God and each other.

We are committed to discipling the next generation, no matter our age, stage, or season of life.

We multiply by training believers to become apprentices of Jesus.

Wherever we find ourselves, we lead others to Jesus by serving them.


C2 autonomously cooperates with Assemblies of God churches around the world. You can find out more detailed information about the beliefs and doctrine these churches share by clicking here.