Hello C2 Kids’ Families,
I secretly dread August. It means the end of lazy summer days and enjoying having my kids home from school. Routine is returning, which means having to be a little more prepared for crockpot dinners in between homework and sports practices. I know routine is important and so are the lessons learned in school and on the athletic field. I also know that routine helps me stay more on track with my Bible reading and with intentional family time. I hope you are already thinking about those intentional moments with your kids. Maybe this is the year that you decide you are going to complete the Bible plan devotions with your kids or that you are going to learn the verses with them. Put them up in the car and say them on the way to and from school. Begin your day quoting God’s word and see if it makes a difference. It’s easier to have a respectful conversation with your child if you have just invited God’s word into that conversation.

C2 Kids Elementary Parents,
This month we will finish up our faith series and then jump into a series called Influence. Remember, the verses are listed for the week we learn them, so they are recited the following week. You can also find them weekly on our C2 Kids Facebook page or on our church website under C2 Kids.
August 6, 2023 – I can show my faith to grow my faith.
“Just as the body is dead without breath, so also faith is dead without good works.” James 2:26
Parent Conversation: What are some good things people can do to keep their faith in Jesus healthy?
August 13, 2023 – Think. Pray. Then Follow
“…if a blind person leads another who is blind, both of them will fall into a pit,” Matthew 15:14
Parent Conversation: What do you think makes Jesus the best example to follow?
August 20, 2023 – Kids can be a godly example!
“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young. Set an example for the believers in what you say and in how you live. …” 1 Timothy 4:12.
Parent Conversation: Talk to your child about a time that you have learned from them. Encourage them that God can use them and has used them.
August 27, 2023 – I can obey the leaders God gave me.
Dress in shorts and tennis shoes. We are playing Nuke’em at the end of service!!!
“Children, always obey your parents, for this pleases the Lord.” Colossians 3:20
Parent Conversation: Maybe you disobeyed your parents and need to tell your kids about what that disobedience caused to your relationship and how you mended it and learned from it.
I challenge you to take the last few days of summer and do this “Red Letter Challenge for kids” (click here) devotion. It is an 11 day plan on the YouVersion Bible App. It takes 21 days to establish a routine. This could be the start of a whole new spiritual growth for you and your kids.
C2 Kids Preschool Parents,
Thank you for your patience during our renovation phase. We are excited about the crisp newly painted walls, hallway and our amazing floors. The preschool area is looking great and is ready for our little ones to learn about Jesus in!!! This month we will learn what is the church, who is welcome and that we all have a part in God’s family. You can click this link to join the “Everybody’s Welcome” plan on the YouVersion Bible App. Shine and Emily teach our preschoolers in this 6 day devotional series. They will learn actions to help memorize their Bible verse and learn new songs so they can worship God. We are really going to focus on having our preschoolers learn a Bible verse each month.
Our C2 Preschool memory verse for this month is, “…the family of God is the church.” 1 Timothy 3:15
C2 Kids Nursery Parents,
George Barna said, “In the race to a child’s heart, the first one there wins.” Help us be the first one to reach them. Our nursery is growing quickly, Michelle Crutcher is our Nursery Coordinator, and she will help you plug in to one week a month to serve on a team. Serving builds relationships in your life and cares for some of our young families. I would like to share a great article that explains serving in our nursery best, “Nursery is not Babysitting.“ There is also a link to this article on our C2 Kids Facebook page.

We had a great time at Kids Camp. It was Matt’s first time at Kids Camp. He had the boys tying ties and came home hoarse from all the orange team cheers! My van was silent with a group of chatty Kathys who were knocked out in exhaustion… so we must have all had fun. God was present and really stirred hearts. One of my favorite memories is watching all the kids with arms held high in worship. I can only imagine how precious this is to Jesus! If your kids didn’t go this year, make plans for next year. There is just something about getting away that lets us draw closer to Jesus!

A huge Highlight at camp was our BGMC offering!!! We turned in $6,094.75 that will be matched to $12,189.50!!! We brought more than half of the $10,000 that was matched to $20,000!!! Thank you for Supporting BGMC!
Have a great month! Matt and I pray that these last few weeks of summer will prepare you for everything that God has for your family during this upcoming school year! Our prayer is that God will help you prioritize Him first and that He will lead your schedules, your relationships and your focus.
Jennifer Daack
Children and Families Pastor