“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was a formless and desolate emptiness, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. – Genesis 1:1-2
The Bible opens with an awe-inspiring act: God creating the universe from nothing. Simply by speaking, He formed light, seas, land, and life, demonstrating His unparalleled power and creativity. But the canvas for this beautiful creation is the cruel reality of chaos and surging seas that would defy any hope for habitation. And like the “mouth of the wicked” from Proverbs 10, a drowsy darkness conceals the drowning below. Yet it is precisely in between these parallel “surfaces,” that a damp hope finds its spark. They are truly one surface, but they are also two. Covered by darkness, the primordial surface is abysmal and threatening. Yet beneath the hovering wings of God’s Spirit, the very same surface is tensioned with life-giving potential. It is from this pivotal moment forward that the Word of God is heard floating out over the waters, calling in a loud voice for Life to leave its watery grave.
Beginnings are rarely lucky and almost never pretty. They are awkward, vulnerable, full of anxiety and adrenaline, and by definition, they inhabit the space between utter ruin and our first taste of victory. As we begin this journey of 21 days to discover what is possible for the God who is eternally turning death into life, let’s be honest and call the chaos for what it is. There’s no need to avoid or downplay the real grief, darkness, loss, despair, or ignorance that make the word “impossible” feel cliché. They are truly deadly and desolate, and the first words of Genesis agree. And let us also acknowledge that these are the very conditions that arrest the attention, compassion and creativity of the One Who Sees and Knows. He is imagining. Might we accept His invitation to join Him?
- What “nothingness” in your life do you need God to create something from?
- How does recognizing God’s power in creation strengthen your faith?
- What part of creation most reminds you of His greatness?
- Art: Creation Story Mural, by students from the inaugural Art and Faith Certificate II course at Nungalinya College in Casuarina, AUS. The mural is part of a larger collection of works that make up the Garden of Eden Art Trail at the college.
- Songs: “Another One” by Elevation Worship and “Eden” by Benjamin William Hastings